Bring GIS to Life
Educators, bring GIS to life by having a GIS Ambassador visit your school! Learn more about careers and the tools of a geographer such as:
- GIS,
- maps,
- applications,
- atlases,
- charts,
- imagery,
- field work,
- data.

What Teachers are Saying…
“Thank you very much for connecting me with the GIS Ambassador for the classroom visit at the start of this school year in September. The Ambassador visited our Grade 9 IBT Geography class that I currently teach at Meadowvale Secondary School in Mississauga.
The students had a wonderful learning experience from the workshops and it sparked curiosity among many of our young learners, as they are now thinking about applying the use of ArcGIS Online with their final evaluation projects in January.
I’d like to extend my appreciation to the Ambassador and the K-12 team at Esri Canada for this learning opportunity.”
-Ami Patel, Geography Teacher